Wayfaring Chocolate

adventures in chocolate, travel, cooking, and living

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Chocolate Review: Lindt Excellence Strawberry White Chocolate and Cranberry Dark Chocolate

Posted on February 18, 20144 Comments

I was going to write a new ice cream snack review today, but it turns out I’ve talked about ice cream a lot lately. Then I thought I’d tell you about the awesome paleo (j/k totally not paleo once you add Biscoff Spread) muffins I made this morning, but that would necessitate going upstairs to find my camera cord for the photos and I’d much rather get this post done immediately so I can go back to re-watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Donnie Darko because: Netflix.

Luckily, I remembered that the last supermarket chocolate review I did went down quite well with you, so ta-daa! Another dose of accessible chocolate! We all win! Also this song and this song and this song!

Lindt Excellence Strawberry White Chocolate


Considering how unpleasantly fake-tasting I found the dark chocolate version, I was wary about breaking into Lindt’s Excellence Strawberry White Chocolate bar. Described as “smooth and creamy white chocolate combined with real strawberry pieces”, I appreciated the plethora of crispy, freeze-dried strawberry sparkles studded throughout this buttery-white chocolate, and noted that the aroma was, at least, more on the “real” than “droppers of chemical essence” side of the fence.

Having eaten the entire block, I can safely say that this does taste more truly of strawberries than the dark chocolate version. Personally, I far prefer berries with white chocolate than dark — I find the former’s tang blends far more nicely with vanilla-scented cream notes than with assertive cacao — but would this opinion be swayed by Lindt’s next foray into the berry chocolate field? Read on to find out… (<- me apathetically trying to muster enthusiasm for these chocolates.)

Lindt Excellence Intense Cranberry Dark Chocolate


Umph. I really can’t think of much to say about today’s Lindt chocolates. This Intense Cranberry Dark Chocolate bar follows the standard Lindt Excellence formula of a 47% cacao base with chewy nubbins of fruit and thin slivers of almond, but I wish it had something jazzier going on. Like crystallised ginger, cinnamon, or red wine. Red wine-infused cranberries? Cinnamon-glazed almonds? Anything.


It wasn’t terrible, by any means, but it bored me a little. Sure, the cranberries contributed a chewy tartness, but the almonds had almost no flavour and therefore provided only crunch. I’d buy this over the Strawberry or Passionfruit Excellence bars, but would not give it a second glance if the Crunchy Caramel or 90% flavours were on offer.


I think what my review amounts to is that neither of these Lindt chocolate bars lit my soul aflame, but I also don’t regret trying them (particularly as I bought them on sale).

What I really want, though, is a Lindt 90% with Biscoff. That would be grand.



Posted in ChocolateChocolate ReviewReviews

My Favourite Cocoa Brownies

Posted on February 15, 201431 Comments

Why hello there, friendlings! Long time no see. How are things in your world? Are your hearts dancing on rainbows while your shoulders shimmy to the rockin’ beat of exhilarating adventures? I hope so. I’ve had the most soul-affirming, self-strengthening, exhausting-but-so-worth-it-oh-my-so-worth-it week of nonstop togetherness with my four friends visiting from Australia (you know you’re […]Read More…



Posted in Dairy FreeDessertsGluten FreeRecipesSweet Treats

Caramel Coconut Slice

Posted on February 8, 201436 Comments

It appears I am on something of a slice bent at present. (Or a “bar bent”, if you speak North American. I will admit that, for once, American terminology wins this round because I do so love alliteration.) This Caramel Coconut Slice is insanely ridiculously stupidly amazingly enticingly gooey crispy chewy easy-to-make rich sweet layered […]Read More…



Posted in DessertsRecipesSweet Treats

Sub Zero Ice Cream: Cedar City 2013, Part Nine

Posted on February 4, 201438 Comments

Australia, I know you think you’re fancy with your N2 Extreme Gelato, but Cedar City was making liquid nitrogen ice cream long before you thought it was cool. Sub Zero Ice Cream may not have the Ferrero Reveal in its arsenal, but it does have a panoply of dairy and vegan bases, flavours, and mix-ins […]Read More…



Posted in Restaurant ReviewReviewsTravelUSA

Canadian Snack Reviews: President’s Choice Cotton Candy and Red Velvet Cake Ice Cream

Posted on January 31, 201433 Comments

Riddle me this: Back when I lived in Australia, the land of brutally-hot drought-plagued summers and rarely-below-zero winters, I had almost no interest in ice cream. Yet now, barely halfway through the most horrific winter Toronto has experienced in all of my Canadian friends’ memories, I find myself eating ice cream daily. The more ridiculously-flavoured, […]Read More…



Posted in Product ReviewReviewsSnack Review

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I’m Hannah, an Australian living in Canada who delights in writing about chocolate, desserts, travel, and the absolute necessity of laughter. I think that, deep down, we’re all made of sparkledust, and I dream of one day finding socks that have inbuilt mini heaters in the toes.

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